13 lessons I learnt in Year 2020

Rama Mehta
1 min readDec 31, 2020


Photo by Nils Stahl on Unsplash

Standing outside the ICU the lessons I learnt and no they are not the lessons which year 2020 taught me, they are the realisations which one may get if one is fortunate and blessed

Facing the life, we have to do it alone

The whole world may be standing beside you, but you want only life to be your companion

How deep is your trust can only be known when life pushes you off balance?

You either can have faith or fear.

If you do not know how to hold yourself together, no one can do it for you.

Single step forward puts you on forward course, have enough faith to take it.

Your only saviour is your ability to use the energy calmly, desperation is a slippery path.

Peace within you will calm down everyone around.

Either you feel the emotions or you do what is required.

Only those who are idle are scared, courageous use their energy.

In the most trying times, it’s the people who you may not know would be your greatest help.

In the crowd of friends, you may only need yourself when needed, be your own best friend.

You will always be unprepared for life.

